+55 (21) 98936-1833
Pássaros Nativos Casa Caminho Corcovado
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Bird watching

The Atlantic Rainforest of Rio de Janeiro is an excellent birdwatching spot in southeastern Brazil.

The national parks that are part of the Atlantic Forest are home to thousands of species, including endemic and endangered species.

Casa Casa Caminho do Corcovado is located within Tijuca National Park and contributes to the preservation of endemic Atlantic Forest species.

The abundance of birds is diverse and its main representatives are the Maritacas (pionos maximilani), Sairas, Jacupemba (Penelope jacupemba), Saracura, Hummingbirds, Owls, Arapongas, Woodpecker, Tangara (chiroxiphia caudata), Capoeira ( odontophorus capueira), Juriti-piranga (Geotrygon montana), Black-billed Toucan (Ramphastus vitellinus) and others.

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